Disengage Cultivation Quest
Part One
Talk to the Elder again
Start NPC: Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Reward: Gold(2100), Exp(3500), SP(800) 12(Rep)
Destroy Oggo - Sovran StyxHog
Mission #1: Kill Oggo - Sovran StyxHog
Monster Locale: (494,318) Black Mountain
Mission #2: Visit Ancient Dragon City Elder (570,648)
Reward: Gold(5900), Exp(9800), SP(2300)
Part Two
The Discovery of Tenauri
Start NPC: Tenauri (547,372)
Mission #1: Walk the small path to Swamp of Wraith to find out the origin of the sad emotion (546,398)
Mission #2: Visit Tenauri (547,372)
Reward: Gold(2350), Exp(3900), SP(900), Rep (14), Hell Stone (1)
Leave the Death Body
Start NPC: Potter (538,416)
Reward: Gold(2350), Exp(3900), SP(900), Rep (14)
Regain Trust
Start NPC: Potter (538,416)
Mission #1: Kill Rancoreido Soulphilist of Devour
Monster Locale: Ridge of Dreaming Cloud (508,394)
Mission #2: Return to Potter (538,416)
Reward: Gold(13400), Exp(22300), SP(5100), Celestial (1), Rep(14)
Immortal Enrico
Start NPC: Potter (538,416)
Mission #1: Visit Immortal Enrico talk to him twice to start part 3 (449,451) - Wait till lvl. 69
Part Three
Immortal Enrico
Mission #1: Visit Potter (538,416
Mission #2: Visit Immortal Enrico (449,451)
Reward: Gold(2500) Exp(4100) Skill(950) Celestial(1), Rep(14)
The Vanishing of Love
Start NPC: Immortal Enrico (449,451)
Mission #1: Go to the Altar of Misbelief to kill Vengeful Vendetta of Aeolian
Monster Locale: Swamp of Wraith (541,480)
Mission #2: Go to the Altar of Misbelief to Ethereal Occult of Myth
Monster Locale: Altar of Misbelief (541,483)
Mission #3: Return to Immortal Enrico (449,451)
Mission #4: Kill Cardiac Denion (Dungeon lvl 70...426 517)
Mission #5: Return to Immortal Enrico (449,451)
Mission #6: Dig Mystery Treasure Case (676,466)
Mission #7: Talk to Xarles (586,567)
Mission #8: Visit Wife of Xarles (557,912)
Mission #9: Return to Xarles (586,567)
Mission #10: Return to Immortal Enrico (449,451)
Reward: Skill(320000) Item(Human Celestial Stone),Rep(70)